2005 Louis Latour Meursault. At 11 years old, the wine is near peak scoring 17+ points on the Dionysian scale of 20.  The 13.5% alcohol was acceptable. The wine cost around $30 back at its release.

This Chardonnay from Beaune, in  the Cote-D’ Or,  in Burgundy, France,  is  an excellent food wine. Bought on October 17, 2009, when it cost $30, and aged in a cool dark cellar, this Meursault paired well with the seafood dinner.


Citrus-Fruit glazed Halibut with braised leeks, olives and golden raisons married perfectly with the white Burgundy.

Age your white French Burgundy. Drink other Chardonnay wines much younger. In vino veritas.