What’s John Mahoney Having With Dinner? Well, on Thursday evening, my wife made a simple pasta alla carbonara and a salad. I opened my only bottle of 2011 Angelini Pergola Rosso. It has 12.5% alcohol (perfect) and is made fro 100% Pergola grapes grown in Marche Region of Italy. It’s a medium bodied wine with aromas of lavender and dried rose petals. It’s silky soft and with a little air, the flavors of strawberries, red currants and wild cherries develop. Next time I drink one, I’ll have risotto with mushrooms and share it with friends. I scored it a fine 16.5 on the 20-point Dionysian Scale. It’s  a silver medal wine.

The grape is not well known, nor is the region it comes from, but that makes it all the more interesting and worth seeking out. In vino veritas.