Costing about $16, and scoring a commercial 14+ points on the Dionysian Scale of 20, the 2016 Estacioni Porvenir Blanco is a 100% Sauvignon Blanc from Mexico.

It was clean, clear, and had a white grapefruit nose. It’s a wine to consume as soon as you buy it. The wine was very pale; I think they used a little too much sulphur to preserve it and washed out the color.


The holes in the label show the green glass. I served it with flounder and it worked well enough.The wine comes from the Valle de Guadalupe, in Baja strip in Mexico. All the wines I’ve had from Mexico seem to cost a bit too much and a few even had a salty flavor on the taste.

It’s a neat label, and a pleasant wine, and at three years old, it was at peak. Trying different wines is half the fun of enjoying wine and its culture. In Vino Veritas.