Costing under $20, the Blandy’s Rainwater Madeira scored 17 Dionysian Points on its 20-point scale. With 19.5% alcohol, the Medium Dry Madeira was ideal with the cold weather opening mushroom soup. 2019 was the 600th anniversary of the discovery of the island of Madeira.  The Dionysian Society did the most comprehensive review of Madeira in the country to celebrate, and to learn more about a wine our founding fathers loved.


The golden color, the caramel flavors and the soft, long finish of the wine made it perfect as a match for the soup. It’s the lightest style of all the Madeira.

Sincere wine lovers try every type of wine, young and old, to fully understand the world of wine. Read my book, “Wine: The Source of Civilization,” to learn to appreciate more and understand what you’ve already come to enjoy.   We drank more Madeira in the 1700’s, than during the 1900’s. Let’s change that.  Happy New Year. Drink your oldest and best wines during 2020., and share them as I do.   In Vino Veritas

